Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Twenty Years Ago, Today, I was born.

Twenty years ago, today, I was born. I have decided to write a blog everyday for my 20th year of life. I will simply share the highs and lows of my day to day travels and my own thoughts on such. Since this is day one of my blog, I will begin by introducing myself, a little...

My name is Kristen Resendez. I was born and grew up in Harlingen, Texas. I have two loving parents and 3 caring brothers. Currently, I'm in college. I'm studying Converged Media Broadcasting at the University of North Texas. I'm a young, independent, and strong woman. I have dreams and goals, that I aim to achieve. One day, I'd like to be a Broadcast Meteorologist.

I've always been an eclectic person. I'm good at doing a lot of very different things. I enjoy working outside in the yard, as well as, cooking and cleaning indoors. I'm strong and athletic, as well as, fragile and feminine. There is more to me that you will grow to learn as you read through my day-to-day life.

As for Tuesday, December 14, 2010...

I woke up very early in the night, around 2 AM. I was tossing and turning and laying in bed was useless. So, I got up and began to study! I still have not slept since then, but I am determined to get this first post done by midnight of my birthday...

Anyways, I had a huge History final this morning. History, is a very important subject and everyone should really take interest in our nations culture and history. It is very important for us to understand who we are and where we come from. My History Professor is a brilliant woman. She ceases to amaze me with all the information and knowledge she holds. She really makes me consider becoming a Historian. She tells the story of our Nation's past with such vivid imagery. It's almost as if for a few seconds, it's 1869, and I'm standing at the foot of the very first tracks of the Transcontinental Railroad and the first nailed is being hammered into the soil of the United States of America. History is very touching. Everything has occurred for a reason. Anyways, let's just say, that I'm sure my final went well...

After my history final, I came back to my apartment to get ready to go out on a group date with some of my close friends. We planned to drive to the Galleria and ice skate for a while. We had so much fun! I wish I had my own skates, though, those rentals aren't very comfortable. I think my friends had a blast. We laughed as we all would lose our balance and fall. There was a little boy named, John Owen, who kept grabbing and holding on to my friends and I! He was so persistent to "catch us". It was awkward, but funny. We took lots of pictures which will be later added to this blog.

After ice skating, we went to the Cheesecake Factory, after we fought Dallas 5PM traffic. We had a lovely meal together. I'm sure everyone was satisfied with meals as much as they were with their slices of cheesecake. I really appreciated my friends being there for me tonight, even though, it is finals week at school. I really needed this outing on my one special day out of the year.

Now, I'm back home and planning on sleeping in on the morning. We will see what tomorrow brings... Until then, Good Night World.

Love Always,


  1. Welcome to the blog world :-)!!

  2. Thank you, Girl! I didn't know you had a blog! Now, I will have to follow you. :)
