Thursday, December 16, 2010

Busy Bee, Busy Day

Today was a wicked busy day. I literally had no time to just sit down and rest for a second.

I woke up super early to study for my Spanish final, because I'm such a procrastinator. Then, I went to take my Spanish exam at 8 am. It was pretty tough, but I'm sure I did well in the class, overall. As soon as I finished my exam, I got in my car and drove to Dallas!

I LOVE DALLAS. At this point in time, I don't think I could see  myself anywhere else, but DFW. There are a million and one things to do and see. Dallas is filled with museums, great scenery, and some of the BEST SHOPPING, in my opinion. I just might be a shopaholic. I'm an the easiest sale. Sad to say, but so true. Anywho, I had to make a trip to return some clothes I bought last week. I had to make time today, because I'm traveling back home. I won't be back to DFW until middle of January. What will I do?! Anyways, I couldn't drive all the way to North Park, just to return something. Ofcourse, I had to go shopping. I had to finish my christmas shopping. I hope all of my family will really enjoy their presents. Ofcourse, this is not all what Christmas is about! Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ. Fun Fact: My mother got the name Kristen from Christmas... Some how....

I traveled back to Denton for a Cycle Workshop at the Rec. I learned how to choreograph a spinning class. I'm very excited to continue working at the Rec Center. I hope that in some way, I can help others transform their lives and meet their New Years Resolutions.

I even made time today to go apartment shopping. Well, not really, because I'm already sold and very decided on where I'm going to live next year. It's a very lovely apartment. It fits me and my personality perfectly. I hope everything works out. It's in a great location, where restaurants are literally at my doorsteps. That actually doesn't really matter to me, because I absolutely love to cook. I try and cook everyday. I've realized how much money I've wasted on going out to eat. So, the best solution is to eat at home... and it's healthier!

Tonight, I taught Step Aerobics at the Rec. All classes were free this week. When I taught on Monday, my class was the largest it had ever been! There was so much energy and everyone was having so much fun. I really enjoy teaching group fitness. Although, tonight class was more calm. I realize it is the end of finals week and students are headed back home. So, I only had two women in my class, but they were still great! I hope they enjoyed my class and got a great workout in.

Now, I'm sitting here writing this blog. When, I should be packing to start heading home tomorrow. I'm currently doing laundry and watching HGTV. At least, I finally got my two band posters framed. After, months of sitting in the back of my car! Now, they just need to be nailed to the wall. Like I mentioned before, I'm a huge procrastinator. So, I'm planning on going to bed now. Then, waking up around 5:45 in the morning to finish packing and load my car and head to Austin by 8 AM.

When I get to Austin, I'm going to hang out with my brother, Phil, at his work. I promised I would bring him lunch. I haven't seen my brothers since my grandfather's funeral, during Thanksgiving weekend. So, it will be nice to reunite with them for a day. Saturday, I'll head back to my hometown, because my cousin is getting married! I love weddings and haven't been to one since last December.

Until tomorrow...

Good Night,

Love Always,

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