Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Post Birthday

It's Wednesday and the middle of the week. Luckily, I did not have any finals today. Well, since I had been lacking on sleep the last few days, I allowed myself to sleep in. This actually didn't work out, since, I don't normally allow myself to sleep-in. My biological clock woke me up at 8:30 this morning. So, I got up, brushed my teeth, and enjoyed an hour and a half of some good ole' HGTV. I love watching HGTV, I'm a whiz at staging, colors, and decor. There are just so many careers, I wish I could have and interior designer is one of them.

Anyway, my room-mate, E-Rich, was so kind as to make me breakfast in bed. She made eggs and cinnamon rolls. It was delicious... Later, I finally got out of bed and ventured to the rec for a Yoga workshop. I had never done yoga before. We mainly discussed how to teach, but I learned about a positioned called the crow... I couldn't do it. Perhaps, one day, though... 

After the Yoga Workshop, I went to a computer lab on campus to print some things. Actually, I went to print a bunch of coupons. I love coupons. You know, they help save money for the average poor college student. I use I'm sure there are tons of other websites out there, that help find great deals. I always use dealcatcher, because they have a really great coupon for Dick's Sporting Goods. I probably go to DSG, at least, once a week. I'm always buying new workout gear, fitness equipment, or energy snacks for when I run. They also have grocery coupons, coupons for clothing stores, and for electronics. 

Following my printing expedition, I headed back to the Rec to take L's Boot Camp. She is just fabulous and a great instructor, over-all. I teach one class of Boot Camp at the rec, this semester. In the Fall, I will teach more classes. So, I went to L's class to steal new ideas and moves. You can give her a random piece of fitness equipment, and in return, she would probably give you a million and one ways to utilize it. So cool. 

When I got back to my apartment, I promised my E-Rich I would make her favorite dinner of mine. Chicken Stir-Fry! We decided that we needed to utilize all the groceries we had left, before we left for Christmas break. My stir-fry is indeed the best meal I make. Everyone who I've made it for has absolutely loved it. It's not even a super exciting dish, but it is delicious. 

All it is, is....

1/2 a box of Wheat Fettuccine Noodles
3 Chicken breasts (cut into small chunks)
Teriyaki Sauce
Soy Sauce
As many Veggies as you would like... I use (as much/ as many as you would like)
Snow peas (my favorite)
Red Peppers
Sesame seeds

Boil noodles, soak and cook noodles, cut and cook vegetable separately, then add together into one big pan add more teriyaki sauce and cook a bit more! Add sesame seeds if you'd like!
I'm not a measurement-kind of girl, but like Paula Deen always says, " you can always put more in, but you can't take it out."

Post-dinner, E-Rich gave me her birthday/christmas gift. It was a Women's Health Pilates 4-Way Body Toner, Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate filled with Caramel Squares, and a brownie pan. She probably got me the Pilates kit to work off all the brownies and chocolate squares, I'll be eating... Although, I'm very excited to use my new piece of fitness equipment. I'm sure I'll find more than 4 ways to use it. 

Now, I'm going to start studying for my last final, then sleep, and then study some more early in the morning. My last final is early tomorrow morning for Spanish. Until tomorrow night....

Good night,


Have you taken a Yoga class before? If so, how did you like it?

What kind of fitness equipment do you use at home?

What is your favorite meal? 

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