Thursday, December 16, 2010

Busy Bee, Busy Day

Today was a wicked busy day. I literally had no time to just sit down and rest for a second.

I woke up super early to study for my Spanish final, because I'm such a procrastinator. Then, I went to take my Spanish exam at 8 am. It was pretty tough, but I'm sure I did well in the class, overall. As soon as I finished my exam, I got in my car and drove to Dallas!

I LOVE DALLAS. At this point in time, I don't think I could see  myself anywhere else, but DFW. There are a million and one things to do and see. Dallas is filled with museums, great scenery, and some of the BEST SHOPPING, in my opinion. I just might be a shopaholic. I'm an the easiest sale. Sad to say, but so true. Anywho, I had to make a trip to return some clothes I bought last week. I had to make time today, because I'm traveling back home. I won't be back to DFW until middle of January. What will I do?! Anyways, I couldn't drive all the way to North Park, just to return something. Ofcourse, I had to go shopping. I had to finish my christmas shopping. I hope all of my family will really enjoy their presents. Ofcourse, this is not all what Christmas is about! Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ. Fun Fact: My mother got the name Kristen from Christmas... Some how....

I traveled back to Denton for a Cycle Workshop at the Rec. I learned how to choreograph a spinning class. I'm very excited to continue working at the Rec Center. I hope that in some way, I can help others transform their lives and meet their New Years Resolutions.

I even made time today to go apartment shopping. Well, not really, because I'm already sold and very decided on where I'm going to live next year. It's a very lovely apartment. It fits me and my personality perfectly. I hope everything works out. It's in a great location, where restaurants are literally at my doorsteps. That actually doesn't really matter to me, because I absolutely love to cook. I try and cook everyday. I've realized how much money I've wasted on going out to eat. So, the best solution is to eat at home... and it's healthier!

Tonight, I taught Step Aerobics at the Rec. All classes were free this week. When I taught on Monday, my class was the largest it had ever been! There was so much energy and everyone was having so much fun. I really enjoy teaching group fitness. Although, tonight class was more calm. I realize it is the end of finals week and students are headed back home. So, I only had two women in my class, but they were still great! I hope they enjoyed my class and got a great workout in.

Now, I'm sitting here writing this blog. When, I should be packing to start heading home tomorrow. I'm currently doing laundry and watching HGTV. At least, I finally got my two band posters framed. After, months of sitting in the back of my car! Now, they just need to be nailed to the wall. Like I mentioned before, I'm a huge procrastinator. So, I'm planning on going to bed now. Then, waking up around 5:45 in the morning to finish packing and load my car and head to Austin by 8 AM.

When I get to Austin, I'm going to hang out with my brother, Phil, at his work. I promised I would bring him lunch. I haven't seen my brothers since my grandfather's funeral, during Thanksgiving weekend. So, it will be nice to reunite with them for a day. Saturday, I'll head back to my hometown, because my cousin is getting married! I love weddings and haven't been to one since last December.

Until tomorrow...

Good Night,

Love Always,

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Post Birthday

It's Wednesday and the middle of the week. Luckily, I did not have any finals today. Well, since I had been lacking on sleep the last few days, I allowed myself to sleep in. This actually didn't work out, since, I don't normally allow myself to sleep-in. My biological clock woke me up at 8:30 this morning. So, I got up, brushed my teeth, and enjoyed an hour and a half of some good ole' HGTV. I love watching HGTV, I'm a whiz at staging, colors, and decor. There are just so many careers, I wish I could have and interior designer is one of them.

Anyway, my room-mate, E-Rich, was so kind as to make me breakfast in bed. She made eggs and cinnamon rolls. It was delicious... Later, I finally got out of bed and ventured to the rec for a Yoga workshop. I had never done yoga before. We mainly discussed how to teach, but I learned about a positioned called the crow... I couldn't do it. Perhaps, one day, though... 

After the Yoga Workshop, I went to a computer lab on campus to print some things. Actually, I went to print a bunch of coupons. I love coupons. You know, they help save money for the average poor college student. I use I'm sure there are tons of other websites out there, that help find great deals. I always use dealcatcher, because they have a really great coupon for Dick's Sporting Goods. I probably go to DSG, at least, once a week. I'm always buying new workout gear, fitness equipment, or energy snacks for when I run. They also have grocery coupons, coupons for clothing stores, and for electronics. 

Following my printing expedition, I headed back to the Rec to take L's Boot Camp. She is just fabulous and a great instructor, over-all. I teach one class of Boot Camp at the rec, this semester. In the Fall, I will teach more classes. So, I went to L's class to steal new ideas and moves. You can give her a random piece of fitness equipment, and in return, she would probably give you a million and one ways to utilize it. So cool. 

When I got back to my apartment, I promised my E-Rich I would make her favorite dinner of mine. Chicken Stir-Fry! We decided that we needed to utilize all the groceries we had left, before we left for Christmas break. My stir-fry is indeed the best meal I make. Everyone who I've made it for has absolutely loved it. It's not even a super exciting dish, but it is delicious. 

All it is, is....

1/2 a box of Wheat Fettuccine Noodles
3 Chicken breasts (cut into small chunks)
Teriyaki Sauce
Soy Sauce
As many Veggies as you would like... I use (as much/ as many as you would like)
Snow peas (my favorite)
Red Peppers
Sesame seeds

Boil noodles, soak and cook noodles, cut and cook vegetable separately, then add together into one big pan add more teriyaki sauce and cook a bit more! Add sesame seeds if you'd like!
I'm not a measurement-kind of girl, but like Paula Deen always says, " you can always put more in, but you can't take it out."

Post-dinner, E-Rich gave me her birthday/christmas gift. It was a Women's Health Pilates 4-Way Body Toner, Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate filled with Caramel Squares, and a brownie pan. She probably got me the Pilates kit to work off all the brownies and chocolate squares, I'll be eating... Although, I'm very excited to use my new piece of fitness equipment. I'm sure I'll find more than 4 ways to use it. 

Now, I'm going to start studying for my last final, then sleep, and then study some more early in the morning. My last final is early tomorrow morning for Spanish. Until tomorrow night....

Good night,


Have you taken a Yoga class before? If so, how did you like it?

What kind of fitness equipment do you use at home?

What is your favorite meal? 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Twenty Years Ago, Today, I was born.

Twenty years ago, today, I was born. I have decided to write a blog everyday for my 20th year of life. I will simply share the highs and lows of my day to day travels and my own thoughts on such. Since this is day one of my blog, I will begin by introducing myself, a little...

My name is Kristen Resendez. I was born and grew up in Harlingen, Texas. I have two loving parents and 3 caring brothers. Currently, I'm in college. I'm studying Converged Media Broadcasting at the University of North Texas. I'm a young, independent, and strong woman. I have dreams and goals, that I aim to achieve. One day, I'd like to be a Broadcast Meteorologist.

I've always been an eclectic person. I'm good at doing a lot of very different things. I enjoy working outside in the yard, as well as, cooking and cleaning indoors. I'm strong and athletic, as well as, fragile and feminine. There is more to me that you will grow to learn as you read through my day-to-day life.

As for Tuesday, December 14, 2010...

I woke up very early in the night, around 2 AM. I was tossing and turning and laying in bed was useless. So, I got up and began to study! I still have not slept since then, but I am determined to get this first post done by midnight of my birthday...

Anyways, I had a huge History final this morning. History, is a very important subject and everyone should really take interest in our nations culture and history. It is very important for us to understand who we are and where we come from. My History Professor is a brilliant woman. She ceases to amaze me with all the information and knowledge she holds. She really makes me consider becoming a Historian. She tells the story of our Nation's past with such vivid imagery. It's almost as if for a few seconds, it's 1869, and I'm standing at the foot of the very first tracks of the Transcontinental Railroad and the first nailed is being hammered into the soil of the United States of America. History is very touching. Everything has occurred for a reason. Anyways, let's just say, that I'm sure my final went well...

After my history final, I came back to my apartment to get ready to go out on a group date with some of my close friends. We planned to drive to the Galleria and ice skate for a while. We had so much fun! I wish I had my own skates, though, those rentals aren't very comfortable. I think my friends had a blast. We laughed as we all would lose our balance and fall. There was a little boy named, John Owen, who kept grabbing and holding on to my friends and I! He was so persistent to "catch us". It was awkward, but funny. We took lots of pictures which will be later added to this blog.

After ice skating, we went to the Cheesecake Factory, after we fought Dallas 5PM traffic. We had a lovely meal together. I'm sure everyone was satisfied with meals as much as they were with their slices of cheesecake. I really appreciated my friends being there for me tonight, even though, it is finals week at school. I really needed this outing on my one special day out of the year.

Now, I'm back home and planning on sleeping in on the morning. We will see what tomorrow brings... Until then, Good Night World.

Love Always,